Internal Talks – always a challenge!

“Hybrid Modeling Techniques to Support Drug Development and Post-Market Analysis of Anti-Infectives” – this is the title chosen by Anna Fochesato, Ph.D. student within COSBI during the last years, who defended her dissertation yesterday, receiving unanimously the degree of “cum laude” by the Examination Committee.
So far the Examination Committee: “The introduced modeling techniques have been extensively discussed with an outstanding critical spirit and applied to real-world case studies with remarkable and generalizable results in both the preclinical and clinical contexts. The high impact of the produced research is also emphasized by the quality of the papers authored by Anna Fochesato and by the scientific relevance of the international research institutions involved in the project, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute (USA) and the Veronique Dartois Laboratory at the Center for Discovery and Innovation (USA).”
Advanced innovative and effective modeling-based tools that provide significant value in advancing molecular candidates predicted to have superior efficacy as well as enabling the in-silico identification of the optimal doses and regimen to utilize in the clinical setting for the development of vaccines for tuberculosis, influenza and other infectious diseases.
Congrats Anna!