COSBI researchers co-editors of Frontiers’ Research Topic in Systems Pharmacology

Pub. date
July 27, 2022

Federico Reali and Gianluca Selvaggio stimulate the debate in QSP modeling

Federico Reali and Gianluca Selvaggio, senior researchers at COSBI and Attila Csikász-Nagy, professor at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest and former COSBI PI, have been invited as co-editors of a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Systems Biology entitled “Use of Systems biology and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Pipelines to Bridge in Vitro and in Vivo Results in Drug Discovery”. Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform.

It is a great opportunity and a well-deserved acknowledgment for the commitment of Federico and Gianluca in the QSP field and particularly in the drug development scenario.

Check out more about the aim of this research topic at Frontiers web site and how to contribute as an author

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